Posts Tagged ‘STEAM’
Thick Descriptions Announces the 6th Annual Boley s.t.e.A.m. Learning Journey
Zora Neale Hurston, anthropologist and writer said, “those that don’t got it, can’t show it. Those that got it can’t hide it”. “Thick Descriptions is grateful that the Oklahoma Arts Council, Oklahoma Literacy Coalition, and University of Oklahoma Sooner Flight Academy Aviation choose to help people ‘get it’ states Board Chair Monica Hardman.
Thick Descriptions will host our 6th Annual Boley s.t.e.A.m. (science, technology, engineering, Anthropology, and math) Learning Journey Wednesday, August 4 – Friday, August 6, 2021, at the Boley Town Hall, 11 W 3rd Street, Boley, Oklahoma. This year’s theme is aviation.
Click on the QR code below for more information.

Thick Descriptions
Thick Descriptions is committed to education (science empowerment and cultural intelligence) for every Oklahoman. This is executed through several initiatives specifically s.t.e.A.m. (science, technology, engineering, Anthropology, and math) Learning Journeys to historically overlooked youth during school breaks to bridge the learning gap; EITRU (Elephant in the Room – Unboxed), a monthly conversation providing tools and resources to address those “elephant in the room” topics and, OKEE (Oklahoma Educators Evolved), culturally-driven professional development for teachers.