Strong Governance = Strong Organization

Jeri Holmes

During this presentation you will gain a greater understanding of the requirements of a Nonprofit Organization. We will cover the state and federal requirements, the duties of your board, and the importance of strong governance.

Presented by Jeri Holmes, Esq., President and Founder of Nonprofit Solutions Law, P.C.

Computer Essentials

Networking Art

Essential Education has blessed us with “seats” to Computer Essentials. All OLC members are eligible for the seats-for free! This is a very versatile program. It can be assigned to any digital learner to be used independently at home or during class, or you can assign specific lessons for the whole class to work on together. The digital learner does not have to be enrolled in another literacy class. Think tutors, teachers, or new staff… It would be wonderful for a learner and their tutor to go through it together! Once assigned, the learner takes an assessment. The program skips over what they already know. The lessons can be repeated as necessary. Let me know if you are interested!


Tahlequah Public Library

Interview with Cathy Monholland, Literacy Coordinator at the Tahlequah Public Library

Cathy Monholland (1)

As a beginning to learning more about the wonderful programs around the state and the people who keep them going, I will be asking literacy organizations to answer six questions. Cathy Monholland was willing to go first! Her answers are below. I feel like we should hang out so I can hear more fabulous stories!

1. Can you share a personal story or experience that has had a significant impact on your commitment to adult literacy?

About a year ago, a new student came to me for tutoring to learn to speak and read English. She is 40 and is Chinese. She is a local businesswoman who owns Tahlequah's largest Chinese restaurant. During our initial meeting, I asked her why she was coming to me and what she hoped to accomplish with our sessions. She began to cry and told me that she came to me because her oldest son (a college student) had just told her he was embarrassed by her inability to speak English with her customers and that she'd been in the U.S. long enough that she should have learned English by now. Not only did his comment hurt her feelings, but it also hurt her pride. She has made so much progress now that she and all her children speak English at home, and she and her eldest now talk about everything in English. She said he is now very proud of her and the progress she has made and is making. This student's drive to learn English and her reasons for it impacted me in a huge way to help her show her son she can accomplish her goals. She is a very smart, wonderful lady, and it hit me anew how important what we do in teaching others how to learn to speak and read and write in English. (For over a year, she's been bringing Chinese food to the library for our staff. Whatever they have left over on Sunday nights, she brings here for us to eat on Mondays.)

2. How do you personally stay motivated and engaged in your work, especially during challenging times?

As someone who has spent most of her life in academia as a teacher, I love to learn and to teach, I know I have made very positive impacts on many students over the years, because they have told me so. When I get discouraged (as I did a few times during COVID), I think of all the wonderful, smart students I've had, and they keep me going. I taught in the Houston Community College System (HCCS) for many years, and former students still track me down on Facebook to reconnect and tell me how I've impacted their lives. Just knowing I've helped them keeps me fired up and ready to go!

3. Can you describe the specific programs and services your organization offers to support adult learners and promote literacy skills (i.e., ESL, Literacy, Citizenship, HSE, Digital, Health, and how they are delivered, i.e., one-on-one, small groups, classes)?

I tailor what our program offers in terms of what students need or want. Most of my work is one-on-one literacy tutoring, and I've also got a group ESL class going right now. I have had several HiSET students over the years (one is beginning her classes on Monday, March 25), and I've helped several students get or renew their green cards. I have not had a student who wants to study for American citizenship yet, but I can offer that as well (I was married to an international student and helped him get his green card). I also offer classes on basic computer usage in conjunction with our Tech Center and its director.

I have helped numerous people research their Native American ancestry (usually Cherokee but not always) using the online Dawes Rolls and other sources (I taught the Cherokee Nation History Course for 5 years and know how to use the Rolls); I've helped numerous Hispanic students with business documents that they don't understand and helped many segue from my classes to other classes at other institutions. I also have worked with students from Northeastern State University's language classes that teach American students to teach ESL; these students have proven to be good tutors to our students here at the library. Our current NSU student tutor wants to teach either in South America or Vietnam when he graduates. (He and I team-teach our ESL class on Mon. nights and then he teaches solo on Wed. nights.)  I also have a new tutor--retired Navy officer who is anxious to begin teaching in our program, so we are staffed to manage even more requests for tutoring going forward.

I have reached out to Excel High School (online school) to see if our program could partner with them to offer GED classes that students can take online in our Tech Center, and I am open to other types of literacy teaching as requested or needed.

4. Could you share a specific success story of an adult learner who has gone through your program and achieved significant personal or professional growth, highlighting how your program assisted in their journey?

I can think of several success stories, including the Chinese woman I discussed under the first question. My first success story here is a student who is still coming for classes. She began her studies just a couple of months after I started this job, and her oldest son at the time was 7 (he's now a jr. in high school). She knew so little English at first that for maybe 3 months her son was in the tutor room with her, and if I asked her a question, Joseph would type the question into her cell phone, it would be translated into Spanish, she'd answer in Spanish into the phone, which would then answer me in English! I studied Spanish in high school and college and lived in Houston for 30 years (where if you don't learn some Spanish, you be in big trouble!). After about 8 weeks, we ditched the cell phone and let Joseph look for his own books, while his mom's English continued to improve. Now speaking to her is like talking to a home-grown native. Her most frequent line in class is "how you say?" and I tell her to try saying it, and she almost always gets it right. I knew I had succeeded when she told me she was so proud of herself. When I asked why, she said that now when she goes with her family to shop at Wal-Mart, she can tell her husband (he has come to quite a few classes with her but can't be a regular due to his construction job) everything that everyone is saying while they wait in line at the checkout lane.. She is also a self-employed house cleaner, and she often tells me how much easier her dealings with her clients are now that she can speak to them in English (her bonuses are bigger as well). Maria has 13 brothers and sisters, most of whom are here in Tahlequah and she helps each and every one of them when issues come up and they need her to read or explain something to her. 2 of the sisters come with her to class sporadically, so I think I have had a good impact on them also. They know I am here to help them if they ever need it. And---all 3 of Maria's boys each have a library card, and they use them!!!

5. What is your most effective method to recruit new students?

I think the most effective method to recruit new students is by word of mouth. There are enclaves of Hispanic and Chinese people in Tahlequah, and if you don't know anyone in a specific group, it's hard to get through to the group. However, if you know one person in a group and he or she likes you and can see how you can help him or her, that person often will refer others to you. My Chinese student knows all the Chinese folks in town (they have a huge Bible study group), especially one older lady who kind of helps all the Chinese folks here. This older lady called me to see if I would tutor another Chinese lady who had just lost her job and can't speak English well enough to get another one. I told her I'd be happy to help the lady. So, the 2 ladies come in and, lo and behold, the unemployed lady is someone who came here about 3 years ago, came for 6 weeks, and disappeared. When I told them I'd be happy to work with Gua Hui if she was serious about classes this time, the older lady said, "She will come to class." To date, she has not missed one session with me.

I also post flyers in both English and Spanish in all the Hispanic businesses in town, but we don't get much return on those.

6. How do you keep your current students engaged so that they keep attending classes?

I like to think I'm a funny person, and I like to use humor in the classroom. I also like to use the Internet to show people things that we read about in class. I have 3 students currently reading the Little House books (while doing weekly homework from the Challenger series of books and the Grammarwise books). In the last month I've used the Net to show them a) what paper dolls are; b) what 19th-century sunbonnets look like; c) what a sleigh is; and d) what calico fabric looks like. I have also used YouTube a) to have them hear what fiddle music sounds like; b) what a panther scream sounds like; c) what the lyrics to "Home Sweet Home" sound like; and d) what square dancing looks and sounds like. Now my Chinese student is gung-ho to learn to do the Texas two-step! I've told her I can't help her there, even though I'm half Texan....

I have also shown film clips to illustrate bigger issues, and in my ESL classroom we have a giant screen TV that I've used to play Mariachi music for our Spanish Language Night parties, and for every major holiday I bring in any candy associated with that holiday. (I'm going to have to stop that as now the students bring ME candy on holidays!) One year, none of my students had ever had a real American Thanksgiving meal, so the library bought all the food and fixins' and my mother and I cooked it all and I served it at my Spanish Language Night in November. It almost killed me as I had to cook and then carry all the food in and out of the library, but it was all worth it to see how much the students enjoyed all of it, but especially the sweet potato/marshmallow casserole. (The things I do for my students...!!!!)

Creek County Literacy Program’s New Executive Director

Creek County Literacy Program in Sapulpa, announces the appointment of Debra Chandler as its new Executive Director, effective April 1, 2024. Debra brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to literacy and community development to her new role.

Debra Chandler joins Creek County Literacy Program with a strong background in education, library services, and community engagement. Most recently, she served as the Assistant Librarian at Sapulpa Public Library, where she played a pivotal role in promoting literacy initiatives and fostering a love for reading among patrons. Her dedication to promoting literacy extends beyond the library, as she has also served as a substitute teacher in Sapulpa Public Schools and has been actively involved in various educational and literary organizations.

“I am honored to join Creek County Literacy Program and continue the vital work of promoting literacy and empowering individuals in our community,” said Debra Chandler. “I am passionate about providing access to education and resources that can transform lives, and I look forward to collaborating with our dedicated team and community partners to advance our mission.”

Debra Chandler holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Oklahoma City University and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Rogers State University, with a minor in TV and Radio Broadcasting. Her extensive educational background and her experience in creative writing and literary studies uniquely position her to lead Creek County Literacy Program into its next chapter of growth and impact.

“We are thrilled to welcome Debra Chandler as our new Executive Director,” said Greg Pugmire, Board Chair of Creek County Literacy Program. “Her passion for literacy, expertise, and dedication makes her the ideal leader to guide our organization. We are confident that under her leadership, Creek County Literacy Program will continue to thrive and make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and families in our community.”

Debra Chandler succeeds Melissa Struttmann, who has served as Executive Director of Creek County Literacy Program since 2013 and has held the positions of President and Treasurer for the Oklahoma Literacy Coalition. The board expresses its deepest gratitude to Melissa for her years of dedicated service and wishes her all the best in her future endeavors.

Creek County Literacy Program

About the Organization

Creek County Literacy Program (CCLP) began in 1989 with the mission to provide Adult Literacy services in Creek County. We began in a small room in the basement of the library. Around 2007, our building was erected through funding by Friends of the Library and the Bartlett Foundation. The City owns and maintains our 5,000 square foot building and our stipulation is we are to only provide literacy related outreaches here.

CCLP now provides Adult Literacy, Youth Literacy and Health Literacy Outreaches. We do offer Computer/Technology Literacy help on a one-on-one basis, but we no longer provide workshops. Under the Youth Literacy umbrella is our Caring Grands Reading Program. Tutors work with the same child weekly, first and second grade struggling readers, to help increase their sight word recognition. The child is gifted a book each week to build a personal home library.

We have had three executive directors. One was here a few years. The current Executive Director Melissa Struttmann replaced Barbara Belk, who retired after 19 years of service. Melissa was hired in January 2013.

CCLP is governed by a board of directors comprised of about 15 local volunteers. They meet monthly, breaking in June and July.

CCLP has one major fundraiser, the Spelling Bee, which has been converted to a “non-event” fundraiser for two years to skirt large gatherings. They will resume holding it in person in 2024. Please click this link to see more information about this year’s Spelling Bee and consider donating–while not attending.

CCLP has been a Tulsa Area United Way Agency since 1991.

Registration numbers have decreased since Covid and have been slow to resume. Our 2022 numbers:

  • 15 adult students
  • 55 youth students
  • 66 Caring Grand Volunteers
  • 163 Caring Grand students and
  • 633 health literacy attendees

Last month, CCLP hosted the Symposium: Focusing on Adult Learners in partnership with Oklahoma Literacy Coalition.

About the Executive Director

Melissa Struttmann came to CCLP after a position with the American Diabetes Association where she managed the Step Out fundraising event and was responsible for a $190k fundraising goal. Before that, she was the Director of Member Services with the Jenks Chamber of Commerce. Before that, she had a home-based community magazine called the Jenks Express. It was direct mailed to 8,000 homes and businesses each month. It was 40 pages, Melissa wrote the articles, sold the ad space and did the layout. And affixed the 8,000 labels each month (with a little child labor help). She had been a Stay-At-Home-Mom to six kids, one profoundly disabled, about 18 years. Melissa had always been a part of fundraising events in her church and volunteered by doing weekly bulletins and newsletters.

Melissa is the Treasurer for Oklahoma Literacy Coalition. We are very glad to have her and her experience.

Read Across Oklahoma 2023

Hats Off to Reading

The 2023 celebration of reading and early literacy will take place at the Oklahoma City Zoo on April 11, 2023. The theme, Hats Off to Reading is inspired by the book, That is a Hat by Tulsa author Betty Selakovich Casey.

All Oklahoma schools are invited to participate in Read Across Oklahoma virtually, and a limited number of kindergarten classes will be invited as special guests to the live event. As special guests, classes will receive paid admission to the zoo where children will participate in a variety of activity stations, hear the author read her book, and visit the animal exhibits.

Additionally, each child will receive a copy of That is a Hat prior to the event so they are familiar with the story. All this is made possible thanks to the generosity of many private and public sponsors.

Celebrating Our Journey, Volume 13

image of desk with blank journal

A collection of life stories written by Oklahoma adult learners

Another opportunity to showcase Oklahoma learners and provide evidence of the impact of literacy programs!

The Office of Literacy Development is pleased to announce the 2023 publication of Volume 13 of Celebrating Our Journey. This hugely successful series will again showcase the thoughts and writings of Oklahoma adult learners.

This writing project will help improve reading, writing and critical thinking skills of learners and show your community the positive impact of the literacy program. Adult learners and their tutors/teachers are encouraged to work together in writing, typing, editing, and submitting the story.

All active learners from your program regardless of reading or writing level are invited to participate.

Here are the details:

The 2023 publication will feature four topic options:                                      

(1) Goals
(2) Advice
(3) Looking Forward
(4) Poetry
(5) Instructors

1. Each learner is invited to submit one original story.

2. Stories should be titled and limited to 300 words.

3. Tutors, instructors and/or a program representative should review the submitted stories to assist the learners with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

4. Typed stories in Word format should be emailed to

5. A release form signed by the learner should be maintained in the local program files.

6. Photographs of the authors may be included in the book if they are high resolution, quality photos

7. Stories and photos must be submitted by May 30, 2023.

8. The books will be ready for distribution in the fall. Each author will receive two books and their tutor will receive a copy.

Don’t miss the opportunity to include stories by learners from your program in the 2023 publication.

See the following sections for suggestions and additional information.

Questions?   Email or call 522-3205 or 800-522-8116.

Celebrating Our Journey, Volume 13
A collection of life stories written by Oklahoma adult learners

Talk with learners about the topics that will be featured in the book. If they need direction, they might use a story starter.


Learners are often inspired when asked to tell about their goals in life.

Possible Story Starters:

  • If I could do one thing….
  • I’ve always wanted to ….


Encourage learners to talk about advice from someone they admire.

Possible Story Starters

  • I will always remember the advice…
  • The best advice I’ve ever been given…

Looking Forward

Recovering from the impact of COVID 19, learners may describe the future after this challenging time.

Possible Story starter

  • After a difficult season, I’m looking forward to…


Many learners enjoy expressing themselves with poetry. Increased vocabulary and grammar skills are the result as they speak for themselves through poetry. There are some great suggestions at

Each author and tutor will receive a free copy of Celebrating Our Journey. Each program will receive copies to present to funders, media, legislators, etc.

Mark the May 30 deadline on your calendar. Share this project with tutors and learners. Encourage participation. Help make Volume 13 the best yet!

This project is possible thanks to funding from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

Celebrating Our Journey, Volume 13
Release Form

I give permission to the Oklahoma Department of Libraries and the Institute of Museum and Library Services to use my story and photograph (if applicable) in literacy and library publications, websites, reports, and literacy awareness activities. I understand that I will not receive payment.


Print Name

Literacy/Education Program

To Program Representative:
Submit only stories which have a signed released form. Maintain release forms in your program files.