Literacy Networking

Patty Richie, 20-Year Tutor for Creek County Literacy Program

1. Can you share a personal story or experience that has had a significant impact on your commitment to adult literacy?

My brother was a struggling reader, and my job as a child was to sit with him and help him practice. He learned to love to read just because I was there to encourage him. I treat all my adult learners the same way.

2. How do you personally stay motivated and engaged in your work, especially during challenging times?

I look forward to our meetings and hearing about how they are using their new knowledge.

3. Can you describe the specific programs and services your organization offers to support adult learners and promote literacy skills (i.e., ESL, Literacy, Citizenship, HSE, Digital, Health, and how they are delivered, i.e., one-on-one, small groups, classes)?

Health Literacy, Between Friends Book Club, one-on-one tutoring: I think Laubach is the best program for new learners because it builds on what we learned the week before.

4. Could you share a specific success story of an adult learner who has gone through your program and achieved significant

My first success story was John. He came in knowing the alphabet, and that was about all. After learning the sounds the letters make, he was eager to use the sounds to read. He was laid off from his job because he could not read his job duties every day. He was able to get a better job because he learned to read.

5. What is your most effective method to recruit new students?

Spread the word that this is a free program with all the necessary supplies and resources available.

6. How do you keep your current students engaged so that they keep attending classes?

I become friends with my learners. They talk about how their week is going, how their family is, and what is new in their lives. I think this is important to them for a few minutes before we start.

If you haven't yet, please take a few minutes and answer the questions above so that we can add your information. You can answer them as a form here.

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