2024 Adult Learning Awards

2024 Adult Learning Awards

Tutor Awards

Do you have outstanding tutors?

Nominate them for a Tutor Award! This award is non-compettive.

Please download the form to your computer before completing.

You're Invited!

Who: People who care about adult literacy
What: Adult Learning Awards
When: September 8, 2024 at 2:00 pm
Where: Embassy Suites, 3233 NW Expressway
Why: To celebrate adult learners and tutors from across Oklahoma
How Much: FREE-Please register so that we can provide enough food and space for everyone.

Adult Learner Awards

Each year, OLC celebrates adult learners from their member organizations. Nominating your adult learner for "Outstanding Achievement in Adult Literacy" is a great way to celebrate their hard work and achievements. Here are some key reasons why you should consider it:

  • Acknowledgement of Effort: Adult learners often balance work, family, and studies. This nomination recognizes their hard work and dedication.
  • Boost in Confidence: Being nominated can significantly increase their self-esteem and motivate them to keep going.
  • Personal Growth: Recognition can lead to further educational and personal development opportunities.
  • Encouragement: Public recognition can increase support from peers, family, and the community.
  • Community Impact: Your learner can inspire others to pursue their education, showing that it's never too late to learn.
  • Leaving a Legacy: It allows them to demonstrate that significant achievements are possible at any stage of life.

In summary, nominating your adult learner for "Outstanding Achievement in Adult Literacy" honors their journey, inspires others, and highlights the value of lifelong learning.

Would you like some inspiration? Visit this webpage to read about the winners of 2023's awards, Shania Dooley, Delfina Rodriguez Montoya Al Morgan, and Nancy Mendez.

Check back soon for updates!