2024 Symposiums: Charting New Territories
Explore How New Science & Technology Can Support Adult Literacy
Artificial Intelligence
Edward Collins, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Special Education, University of Central Oklahoma
Are you curious but maybe a little intimidated by the idea of AI? Have you experimented with AI to see how it might benefit the adult learners you work with? Join us for an exploration and demonstration of various AI platforms and tools. This session will include time for you to practice what you learned! Bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Trauma & Adult Literacy
Mandy Durham, Ruth G. Hardman Adult Literacy Program Manager, Tulsa City-County Library
What does it mean to be “trauma-informed”? The field of trauma studies and trauma-informed practices is growing rapidly. Learn about the latest science and explore potential applications in literacy.
March 1
Ada Public Library
124 Rennie Ave, Ada
Guest Speaker Jolene Poore
April 3
Creek County Literacy Program
15 N Poplar, Sapulpa
Guest Speaker: Nehemiah McCreary
May 3
Lawton Public Library
110 SW 4th St. Lawton
Guest Speaker: Sonja Tobey
Schedule (Same for all three Symposiums)
9:30-10:00 AM Registration/Check In
10:00-10:30 AM Guest Speaker (See date above for Speaker)
10:30 AM-12:00 PM Artificial Intelligence with Edward Collins
12:00-12:30 PM Lunch
12:30-2:00 PM Trauma & Adult Literacy with Mandy Durham

This registration form is for individuals. If you are registering multiple people, please email Laura@okliteracy.org for a group form.