Sponsorships & Exhibitors

Sponsorship Opportunities

Please refer to the Sponsorship and Exhibitor Proposal for details.

Gold Sponsor—$5,000

  • host one lunch
  • speak during hosted lunch
  • receive a full-page ad in our event program

    This level is limited to two sponsors.

Silver Sponsor—SOLD

  • host the Pre-Conference Literacy Awards
  • half-page ad in our event programs

    This level is limited to two sponsors-one remaining.

Bronze Sponsor—$1,500

  • host one of the break services
  • quarter-page ad in the event program

    This level is limited to four sponsors.


  • provide registration and per diem for one attendee
  • 1/8th-page ad in the event program

Literacy Champions—Varies

Literacy Champions are people or businesses who would like to donate to the Conference, but are not able to find a level above that is a good fit for their goals. You can donate here.

Names will be listed on our website and in the event program. If you would like to give an anonymous gift, please email Laura at laura@okliteracy.org.


Sponsors: Fees are included in each sponsorship level and include Sunday. Exhibitor Space for Monday and Tuesday:

Nonprofit: $250, For-Profit: $375.
Each additional table is $50.
Each additional registration is $50/day.

One exhibit space includes one skirted 6’ X 30″ table, two chairs, and free wi-fi. The price for one exhibit space also includes registration for one person, AM and PM break service, and one lunch ticket (per day). Prices are for both days of the conference.

Exhibitor space will be located in the main walkways between classrooms and food breaks.

Commitment and artwork must be received by August 1, 2019, for inclusion in our event program.
Bag stuffers must be received by September 1.